• 14 April 1915
  •  Moscow, Russian Empire [now Russia]

Pyotr Glebov


Petr (Pyotr) Glebov was a Russian film and stage actor, best known as Grigori Melekhov in 'Tikhiy Don' trilogy (1957-1958) by director Sergey Gerasimov. He was born Petr Petrovich Glebov on April 14, 1915, in Moscow, Russia. His parents belonged to Russian Landed Gentry, having ancestral relations with Count Orlov-Denisov, ataman Platov, and writer Count Leo Tolstoy. Glebov's mother was aunt of writer Sergey Mikhalkov. His father, Petr Vladimirovich Glebov, was leader of Kashirskoe Nobility in Moscow, and owner of a profitable horse farming business. The Glebovs were wealthy landowners having properties in Moscow and in central Russia; but they lost all their wealth in the disaster of the Russian communist revolution of 1917. Many of their relatives fled the communist Russia, albeit Glebovs did not emigrate, and started their life again from scratch. Young Petr Glebov was an excellent equestrian, he had a natural physical strength, confidence, and masculinity. Being fond of movies, he was especially impressed with Andrei Abrikosov's acting in the silent film Tikhiy Don (1930). After completion of an agricultural college, he worked in the countryside south of Moscow, albeit he had a dream of becoming an actor. From 1936


Movie Name Release Date
Ο ήρεμος Δον – Tikhiy Don (1957) January 1, 1960